
Crystal House provides services to individuals 18 years and older living with a severe and persistent mental health condition living within our catchment area. We serve the towns of Gardner, Templeton, Winchendon, Ashburnham, Westminster, Hubbardston, Princeton, Barre, Rutland, Oakham, New Braintree, and Hardwick. Other communities and transport based on a case-by-case assessment.

View and print referral form

The completed form can be dropped off in person, emailed to or faxed to (978) 632-0367.

Our Virtual Clubhouse

A virtual clubhouse is an online community that reflects the purpose, principles and practices of an accredited clubhouse, and is considered an extension of the physical clubhouse community. We reach out to, connect with and support people with serious mental illness who do not have access to our physical location, for whatever reason. Virtual clubhouses offer opportunities to form genuine connections, engage in work of the clubhouse, and help members continue their recovery journey through on-line platforms for gathering, connecting and working.

You must be a member to access the virtual services and meetings described here. Information on how to connect is provided at orientation.