About Crystal House:

Open Sky’s Crystal House Clubhouse is an internationally accredited clubhouse dedicated to the rehabilitation of adults recovering from mental illness.

Our mission at Crystal House is to ensure Clubhouse Members are empowered as participants in their own rehabilitation, which includes access to employment, education, healthy lifestyles, safe housing, community supports, and meaningful friendships.

Crystal House provides services to the following communities; Gardner, Templeton, Winchendon, Ashburnham, Westminster, Hubbardston, Princeton, Barre, Rutland, Oakham, New Braintree, and Hardwick. Other communities and transport based on a case by case assessment.


Crystal House Clubhouse
55 Lake Street, Suite 100
Gardner, MA 01440


We are open Monday – Friday
8:00am – 5:00pm
Social Time, Saturday
9:00am – 3:00pm

Our Virtual Clubhouse

A virtual clubhouse is an online community that reflects the purpose, principles and practices of an accredited clubhouse, and is considered an extension of the physical clubhouse community. We reach out to, connect with and support people with serious mental illness who do not have access to our physical location, for whatever reason. Virtual clubhouses offer opportunities to form genuine connections, engage in work of the clubhouse, and help members continue their recovery journey through on-line platforms for gathering, connecting and working.

You must be a member to access the virtual services and meetings described here. Information on how to connect is provided at orientation.

What is a Clubhouse?

A Clubhouse is an employment and recovery center that provides people with mental health challenges opportunities to achieve their full potential. A clubhouse provides advocacy and support to the members who take an active role in the running of the club. Through a variety of meaningful and engaging tasks, members work towards employment, education, social, and health/ wellness goals both at the club and in the community. Participants are known as members, not clients or patients, and involvement is focused around community and dignity. 

At Crystal House, members are empowered as participants in their own rehabilitation. Clubhouse membership is voluntary and without time limits.

A Clubhouse guarantees its membership four basic rights:

  • A guaranteed right to a place to come
  • A guaranteed right to meaningful work
  • A guaranteed right to meaningful relationships
  • A guaranteed right to a place to return
About Open Sky Community Services: 

Crystal House is a program of Open Sky Community Services. Open Sky Community Services is a 501(c)3 non-profit agency based in Worcester, Mass. that offers a wide range of services for adults, adolescents, and children with mental health challenges, developmental and intellectual disabilities, substance use disorders, brain injury, homelessness and other challenges throughout Central Massachusetts. Open Sky Community Services has over 1,200 dedicated employees and more than 100 programs throughout the region, supporting over 5,000 individuals annually. Open Sky is committed to race equity and is on a journey to learn, grow, teach and transform. The agency embraces, promotes and teaches evidence-based practices and is a leader in community inclusion. For more information, please visit www.openskycs.org .